THE YEAR 2023-2024
Section A: General Information about the Company:
Our passion at A. S. EXPORT is to make life’s important moments, even more sparkling and precious.
We focus on craftsmanship and delivering full satisfaction to our customers.
Our vertically integrated business model begins with procurement of rough diamonds and extends to
manufacturing; distribution and after sales service of polish diamonds.
A. S. EXPORT operates across the continent with like - minded people in countries like the U.S.A.
with a team of highly trained artisans operating in state of the art infrastructure in the manufacture of
rough diamonds.
Section B: Financial compliance of the A. S. EXPORT:
2.1 Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Other Financial Offences
Current Status
recognizes the fact that entities in the gems and jewellery sector have to take on the onus of
analysing their potential vulnerabilities to money laundering and implement specific steps that are
required for protection against abuse by criminals.
Strict compliance is ensured at all the entities and compliance officer has been appointed who in
turn reports to A. S. EXPORT Management on compliance status on annual basis.
Know Your Counter Party and other compliance of Due Diligence is followed in line with OECD
Ongoing monitoring is carried out along with all stakeholders.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Nil As on Date.
2.2 Kimberley Process and System of Warranties
A. S. EXPORT is fully committed to complying with all the requirements specified in the
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme of World Diamond Council’s (WDC) System of
Warranties Declaration.
Day to day monitoring and compliance of SOW is done by compliance officer.
A. S. EXPORT is committed towards conflict free sourcing and zero tolerance policy is followed
at A. S. EXPORT level.
THE YEAR 2023-2024
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Nil As on Date.
2.3 Anti-Bribery and Facilitation Payment Policy:
The A. S. EXPORT shall ensure complete prohibition Bribery and facilitation payment across
organization and in all the entities.
A. S. EXPORT has published compliance team contact details on website to receive any grievance
or complaints.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Nil As on Date.
2.4 Ethical Sourcing of Loose Diamonds Policy:
Our company is concerned about the environment and social impacts of irresponsible mining.
A. S. EXPORT has identified the risk of supply chain with respect to Conflict Affected High Risk
A. S. EXPORT ensure all its supplies are screened for conflict free supplies.
We have published the OECD based ethical sourcing policy and we are communicating our policies
to all the supply chain partners and pushing them to adopt the same.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Current concern is lack of awareness about OECD regulation and requirements of sourcing.
We have started creating awareness about our Ethical sourcing requirements for our supply chain.
We started Engagement with our global supply chain for obtaining the further supply chain
information to ensure ethical and conflict free sourcing in metal business.
2.5 Social Compliance
We ensure full compliance with all applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws /
regulations with respect to employment and labour codes in all our establishment.
We respect all regulation for child labour, forced labour, non-discrimination, non-retaliation etc.
All work man rights are respected and adhere to freedom of association and collective bargaining
THE YEAR 2023-2024
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
No point has been reported in the social compliance of the A. S. EXPORT where remedial measures
at A. S. EXPORT level is required.
Entity level remedial measures are taken based on internal and external audits conducted by reputed
2.6 Health and Safety
We at A. S. EXPORT are concern about the health and safety of employees and are constantly
studding about any adverse impact of our business processes are identified and eliminated. Towards
this end, we will systematically review our operations to identify sources of health and safety related
This review will use appropriate standards as required by prevailing laws, expert opinion, and our
knowledge of best practices.
All our staff will be trained in the manner required to adhere to these work practices and drills.
The health of our staff, exposed to certain hazardous processes, is be monitored periodically through
appropriate medical checks, and reviewed using expert inputs for improvements.
All workplaces are constructed to meet safety standards with local regulations as the minimum
standards that will be applicable.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Nil as on date, as no accidents are reported in last one year.
Organization has been blessed and we did not have any fire or any other incidents leading to
dangerous circumstances.
2.7 Human Rights
A. S. EXPORT is not and will not interfere in the right of employees to observe tenets or practices
based on caste, race, national origin, gender, religion, disability, union membership, or political
The Company strongly discourages any form of sexually coercive, threatening, abusive or
exploitative behaviour.
Any reported incidents relating to direct or indirect physical, sexual, racial, religious, psychological,
verbal, or any other form of harassment or abuse, or any other form of intimidation or degrading
treatment will not be tolerated by the company.
THE YEAR 2023-2024
A. S. EXPORT ensures that none of its suppliers and stake holder have engaged in any activity
which can violate the Human Right Principles.
We have carried out the Human Right Due Diligence of suppliers and other Stake holders & based
on risk assessment where necessary.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
No Area of concern & Remedial Measures has been raised in the Human right for any of our
operating units.
Supplier’s further upstream compliance with respect to Human Right compliance for conflict free
sourcing is a new development, where company is heading and would require more focus on the
2.8 Environment Protection
A. S. EXPORT is Complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Improvement is seen employee’s environmental awareness and performance with the help of
detailed policies and procedures, training, and recognition of excellence.
Area of concern & Remedial Measures
Nil, mainly Sales office and no manufacturing activity.
THE YEAR 2023-2024
Company Name:
17th January 2025
Reporting Period :
Year 2023-2024
Step 1: Establish strong company management systems
1.A. Adopt and clearly communicate to
suppliers and the public, a company policy for
the supply chain of minerals originating from
conflict- affected and high-risk areas
We have published the policy at company
level for easy accesses to stakeholder.
OECD and Best Practice Annual
communication has been sent to all the active
Awareness presentation on Ethical sourcing
based on OECD guideline has been
Detailed policy and procedure at entity level
has been established based on risk of
CAHRA’s is done.
1.B Structure internal management systems to
support supply chain due diligence.
Additional responsibility has been assigned
to Compliance officer to look over the
compliance of Ethical souring policy.
All key employees involved in souring and
procurement of diamonds have been trained
on our Ethical precious metal souring policy.
Refresher trainings are provided.
List of Suppliers has been maintained along
with status of their social and ethical
On going monitoring of each supplies and
associated suppliers is carried out with the
help of tools such as digital media, web
search, review of supply documents,
declaration and market intelligence etc.
THE YEAR 2023-2024
1.C Establish a system of controls and
transparency over the minerals supply chain.
Supplier upstream information collection
process started and to obtained CAHRA’s
information and Ethical sourcing
compliance at supplier level.
Currently A. S. Export 80% & more supply
from low risk and balance 20% is from non-
regular suppliers.
1.D Strengthen company engagement
with suppliers.
As mentioned above supplier questionnaire
has been circulated and we are in the process
of following up with them to obtained the
filed information from them.
Further we are also obtaining the vital
information about suppliers from social
platforms and social compliance registration
such as BPP & RJC, Approved ASM
programs etc
We are in the process of compiling filled
supplier questionnaire data , after analysis
we will be formulate supplier engagement
practices based on risk reported at each
supplier level (if any)
1.E Establish A Company-Level, Or
Industry Wide, Grievance Mechanism As
An Early Warning Risk-Awareness
We have established the grievance handling
policy and procedure at company level,
contact details of compliance head provided
in our Social and Ethical policy on our Web
site under Business Principle Section ( which
is publicly available)
Step 2: Identify And Assess Risk In The Supply Chain
Identify And Assess Risks In The Supply
Chain And Assess Risks Of Adverse Impacts.
We have established the detailed policy and
procedure for identification of risk at entity
THE YEAR 2023-2024
Each entity has appointed and trained
compliance officer to oversee the financial
and ethical sourcing compliances.
We have categorized supply chain in to 2
major segments that its Secondary supplier
and Open market suppliers.
All suppliers are bifurcated in to this
category and open market supplies are
considered as potential risk for supplies from
CAHRA’s and thus step by step information
are gathered from this category of supplier as
mentioned in point 1.B & 1.C.
Step 3: Design And Implement A Strategy To Respond To Identified Risks (If
Report Findings Of The Supply Chain Risk
Assessment To The Designated Senior
Management Of The Company.
Ongoing monitoring of each supplies is done
by compliance officer to confirm its free
from Conflict, were required Red Flags are
been raised for seeking additional
information and closed after receiving such
information to our satisfaction.
Entity level compliance officer shall report
all un-answered flags to local management
and Group compliance officer.
In worst situation were information is half or
not satisfactory management starts
engagement practice and discussion and
dialogue with suppliers is carried out to
ensure full information in further business.
Devise And Adopt A Risk
Management Plan.
We have formulated the risk management
plans at entity level considering individual
THE YEAR 2023-2024
entities position in supply chain and position
of supplier in supply chain.
Entity compliance officer carries out
monitoring of each and every business
transactions and were required Red Flags are
been raised and further steps are followed as
mention above.
Brief of companies Risk Management
Practices has been mentioned in
communication of Business policy on our
Implement The Risk Management Plan And
Monitor Performance Of Risk Mitigation
Entity level and group level monitoring of
Red Flags and its effective closure is
Compliance officer provides period status
reports of OECD compliance to the
Internal Training
Organisation has provides period training to
all the concern employee involved in buying
and selling and compliance monitoring team.
Business principle has been published on the
website covering all the COP wise policy
including Ethical diamond souring policy of
the company level.
Over and above Annual communication on
Business policy and Awareness on various
best practices and expectation from business
partners is communicated
OPTIONAL INFORMATION ON Step 4:Carry Out Independent Third-Party Audit
Our office has finalized the RJC COP audit
on 20th and 21st January 2025. Once the audit
THE YEAR 2023-2024
is completed, the final report will be made
available to us. We will ensure transparency
and accountability by sharing the annual
compliance reports with our stakeholders
upon request. These reports are essential in
showcasing our adherence to industry
standards and best practices.
Grievances And Remediation
No grievance of what so ever has been
reported till date.
Prepared By & Approved by : Mr. Ruben Parikh (Compliance Officer)
Date : 17th January 2025