All our staff will be trained in the manner required to adhere to these work
practices and drills.
The health of our staff, exposed to certain hazardous processes, will be
monitored periodically through appropriate medical checks, and reviewed
using expert inputs for improvements.
All workplaces will be constructed to meet safety standards with local
regulations as the minimum standards that will be applicable
2.10 Non Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices
a. Discrimination can mean distinction, exclusion or preference.
b. Any form of discrimination relating to the hiring, discharge, pay, promotion
and training of employees on the basis of race, caste, national origin, religion,
age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, HIV status, Migrant
status, membership of worker representative bodies, political affiliations, or
any criteria that are unlawful is strongly discouraged by the A.S. EXPORT and
any such reported incidents will be viewed as a serious violation of this
Business Principles.
c. We will ensure that employees who have certain life-threatening diseases or
illnesses are not treated differently from other employees, and will continue to
employ such personnel, as long as they are physically and mentally fit to
attend to their normal job responsibilities.
d. We shall at no time condone the use of corporal punishment or other forms of
mental or physical coercion.
e. We encourages all personnel to voice concerns promptly, if they have a
genuine reason to believe that a policy, A.S. EXPORT operation or practice is
or will likely be in violation of any law, regulation or internal A.S. EXPORT rule
or policy, including this Business Principles. A.S. EXPORT assures all
employees who come forward in good faith to report issues, that they will be
treated fairly and respectfully.
2.11 Child Labour
a. No form of child labour should be employed at any of the facilities of the A.S.
EXPORT Unless local laws stipulate a higher age, the minimum age for
employment that will be applicable is fifteen (As per ILO Convention No. 138).