2.1 Legislation and Regulations
a. A.S. EXPORT shall operate in compliance with relevant national and
international legislations / regulations as applicable in the countries in which
they operate.
b. All employees are expected and directed to comply with all applicable laws
and regulations as well as will have to follow the rules and regulation formed
by A.S. EXPORT regarding its business policies
c. Compliance team maintains the list of applicable legal and regulatory
requirements and same is followed for compliance on day to day basis.
Necessary records of requirements and its compliance is maintained.
2.2 Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Other Financial Offences
a. A.S. EXPORT recognizes the fact that entities in the gems and jewellery sector
have to take on the onus of analysing their potential vulnerabilities to money
laundering and implement specific steps that are required for protection
against abuse by criminals.
b. Strict compliance is required at all times, with all applicable national and,
where appropriate, international laws / regulations with respect to money
laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, facilitation payments, corruption,
smuggling, embezzlement, fraud, racketeering, transfer pricing and tax
c. A.S. EXPORT shall act in accordance with national laws with respect to
auditing of its financial accounts and maintaining internal controls as guided
by various regulations. Following acts and international guidelines is
considered while establishing policies of the A.S. EXPORT.
Prevention of Money laundering Act 2002
FATF 40 Recommendations and 8 special recommendations
d. It is the responsibility of concerned personnel to know and understand the
relevant money laundering / financial offences related legal, regulatory and
internal requirements as they apply to their jobs. Ignoring or not reporting
suspicious activity that appears to be questionable may also be considered as
a violation of the Business Principles, depending on the seriousness of the
e. Compliance officer ensure all the critical steps such as KYC & KYS,
Identification of suspicious transaction, reporting to management and record
keeping as required by the local act and legislations are complied with.
f. Compliance officer caries out periodic review of AML/CFT compliances and
submits his report to management on Quarterly basis.
2.3 Kimberley Process and System of Warranties
a. A.S. EXPORT is fully committed to complying with all the requirements
specified in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and World Diamond
Council’s (WDC) System of Warranties Declaration.
b. We will not engaged in business with the supply chain who deals in ‘conflict
diamonds’ or not following the System of Warranties Declaration in invoices,
either knowingly or unknowingly, will be considered as a violation of the
Business Principles.
2.4 Anti-Bribery and Facilitation Payment Policy:
a. The A.S. EXPORT shall ensure complete prohibition of Bribery and facilitation
payment across organization and in all the entities.
b. A.S. EXPORT will not offer, accept or countenance any payment, gift in kind,
hospitality, expense or promises as such that may compromise promises of
fair competition.
c. Entity shall prohibit bribery and facilitation payment and shall comply with
various rules and regulations of the land.
2.5 Disclosure of Treated Diamonds, Synthetics and Simulant
The following essential principles will be applicable in all the transactions
involving treated diamonds, synthetics and stimulant
Full disclosure i.e. the complete and total release of all available
information about a Diamond and all material steps it has undergone prior
to sale to the purchaser, irrespective of whether or not the information is
specifically requested and regardless of the effect on the value of the
We deal in real and natural diamonds only and any treatment of real and
natural diamonds is disclosed to customer prior to sales
2.6 Metal Sourcing Policy:
Conflict Minerals Policy Statement (Diamond & Gem Stone)
A.S. EXPORT is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and is
opposed to human rights abuses.  As part of that commitment, A.S.
EXPORT seeks to source products, components and materials from companies
that share our values around human rights, ethics and environmental
A.S. EXPORT shall strive to ensure that all its supply of diamonds is not
originating from CAHRA’s and where practically possible origin of diamonds
is known to us.
What Are "Conflict Diamonds"?
Blood Diamonds, also known as "Conflict Diamonds," are stones that are
produced in areas controlled by rebel forces that are opposed to
internationally recognized governments. The rebels sell these diamonds, and
the money is used to purchase arms or to fund their military actions.
Blood Diamonds are often produced through the forced labour of men, women
and children. They are also stolen during shipment or seized by attacking the
mining operations of legitimate producers. These attacks can be on the scale
of a large military operation.
The stones are then smuggled into the international diamond trade and sold
as legitimate gems. These diamonds are often the main source of funding for
the rebels; however, arms merchants, smugglers, and dishonest diamond
traders enable their actions. Enormous amounts of money are at stake, and
bribes, threats, torture, and murder are modes of operation. This is why the
term "blood diamonds" is used.
CAHRA’s are.
A.S. EXPORT shall ensure that none of its supplies are coming from CAHRA
Region sources. For More Details of CAHRA’s refer to list of country under the
regulation of EU 2017 https://www.cahraslist.net/cahras
2.7 Supply Chain Management / Best Endeavours
The management of A.S. EXPORT is committed to take appropriate action to
use best endeavours to ensure that the suppliers and contractors are
committed for compliance to International Social Standards.
Annual communications are exchanged with all the supply chain to spread
2.8 Employment
a. Compliance is required at all times, with applicable national and, where
appropriate, international laws / regulations with respect to employment and
b. The A.S. EXPORT shall not require Staff to work for more than the national
limit of hours in a week on a regular basis.
c. The A.S. EXPORT shall ensure that wages and benefits for a standard working
week shall meet at least national minimum standards and shall be sufficient to
meet the basic needs of Staff and provide some discretionary income.
2.9 Health and Safety
A.S. EXPORT recognizes the need to develop a sustainable, value creating
business and is committed to the following:
Any adverse impact of our business processes on those who carry it out
shall be identified and eliminated. Towards this end, we will systematically
review our operations to identify sources of health and safety related risks.
This review will use appropriate standards as required by prevailing laws,
expert opinion and our knowledge of best practices.
The review will lead to formulation of clearly described work practices and
All our staff will be trained in the manner required to adhere to these work
practices and drills.
The health of our staff, exposed to certain hazardous processes, will be
monitored periodically through appropriate medical checks, and reviewed
using expert inputs for improvements.
All workplaces will be constructed to meet safety standards with local
regulations as the minimum standards that will be applicable
2.10 Non Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices
a. Discrimination can mean distinction, exclusion or preference.
b. Any form of discrimination relating to the hiring, discharge, pay, promotion
and training of employees on the basis of race, caste, national origin, religion,
age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, HIV status, Migrant
status, membership of worker representative bodies, political affiliations, or
any criteria that are unlawful is strongly discouraged by the A.S. EXPORT and
any such reported incidents will be viewed as a serious violation of this
Business Principles.
c. We will ensure that employees who have certain life-threatening diseases or
illnesses are not treated differently from other employees, and will continue to
employ such personnel, as long as they are physically and mentally fit to
attend to their normal job responsibilities.
d. We shall at no time condone the use of corporal punishment or other forms of
mental or physical coercion.
e. We encourages all personnel to voice concerns promptly, if they have a
genuine reason to believe that a policy, A.S. EXPORT operation or practice is
or will likely be in violation of any law, regulation or internal A.S. EXPORT rule
or policy, including this Business Principles. A.S. EXPORT assures all
employees who come forward in good faith to report issues, that they will be
treated fairly and respectfully.
2.11 Child Labour
a. No form of child labour should be employed at any of the facilities of the A.S.
EXPORT Unless local laws stipulate a higher age, the minimum age for
employment that will be applicable is fifteen (As per ILO Convention No. 138).
b. For authorized adolescents (persons below 18 years of age but above 15
years), the A.S. EXPORT management is responsible for providing working
conditions, hours of work and wages in compliance with applicable local laws
as a minimum.
c. As per our A.S. EXPORT policy no child labour or adolence child labour will be
d. A.S. EXPORT will implement suitable policy and procedures to verify the age
proof all new employees joining the organization.
2.12 Forced Labour
a. The management of A.S. EXPORT is fully committed to ensuring that forced or
involuntary labour is not practiced in any form at any of its facilities. Any
reported incidents relating to forced labour will be considered as a serious
violation of this Business Principles.
b. The following definitions will be applicable:
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that states that ‘No one shall be
held in slavery or servitude
ILO Convention 29, which defines forced or compulsory labour as ‘all work
or service which is extracted from any person under the menace of any
penalty, and for which they said person has not offered himself voluntarily”
2.13 Human Rights
All employees in the A.S. EXPORT facilities will be treated with equality,
respect and dignity.
A.S. EXPORT will not interfere in the right of employees to observe tenets or
practices based on caste, race, national origin, gender, religion, disability,
union membership, or political affiliation
The A.S. EXPORT strongly discourages any form of sexually coercive,
threatening, abusive or exploitative behavior.
Any reported incidents relating to direct or indirect physical, sexual, racial,
religious, psychological, verbal, or any other form of harassment or abuse,
or any other form of intimidation or degrading treatment will not be tolerated
by the A.S. EXPORT.
HSE & Anti sexual harassment committees are formed and committee shall
review the compliance at regular intervals by holding review meetings.
2.14 Environment Protection
A.S. EXPORT is committed to effective environmental management as one of
its important corporate priorities, and will focus on the following initiatives:
Compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
The impact of each of our operations on the environment will be
systematically assessed for compliance with appropriately defined
standards and reviewed periodically to mitigate or eliminate such impact.
Disposal procedures for waste generated will be clearly defined and
practiced in line with standards that are set by law and best practices of
the industry.
Improvement of employee environmental awareness and performance
through detailed policies and procedures, training, and recognition of
2.15 Product Security
A.S. EXPORT is committed to provide safety of product throughout its supply
chain by following precaution as mentioned below
Each and every stage of product processing it is covered through blanket
Suitable safe guarding and storage is ensured at all stage with the help of
We are taking at most care to ensure safety of visitors, Customers and
interested parties, suitable arrangements such as CCTV, Multi-level entry
doors and other electronic intelligence.
All the concern persons are trained on relevant safety and security
procedures to be followed at all time.
Public Grievances against social & Ethical compliance of the A.S. EXPORT.
If you come across any instance of non-compliance or specific deviation from our ethical policy,
please feel free to reach us.
Further in case if you are interested to obtain the copy of our sourcing annual compliance report
based on OECD guidelines. Please send an email communication to below mentioned email
Sr No.
By hand
Contact: Mr. Ruben Parikh (Compliance Officer)
By Email